Obscurity and Influence

Every human being has a desire to be seen and known. We want to know that we matter and that others think we’re important or even special. Since all of this is true, what do you do when it feels like almost no one even knows that you exist? And if you are in a place where your influence is expanding in this season, what should you do with that? 

When you are living in the land of obscurity, your life is still making a great difference.

I know it can feel like what you’re doing isn’t making a difference. Maybe it’s because you live in a small town. Or you don’t have a prominent role in your company. Or you’re a stay-at-home mom or dad. Or you have 17 followers on Instagram. Here are a few things you can do while living in obscurity:

  1. Know there’s a God who sees you even when no one else does. (see Gen 16:13)

  2. Develop an inner circle of friendships with people who love you for you.

  3. Steward well whatever you’ve been given in this season and chances are it will expand over the coming months and years.

When your influence expands, keep living in the secret place.

I’m not talking about having the kind of evil secrets so many people keep. I mean make sure you have some elements of your life that are unseen, especially when most things you’re doing now are being viewed by a growing audience. Here are a few things you can do as your influence begins to grow:

  1. Have practices that remind you that your identity isn’t based on your accomplishments or the opinions of other people.

  2. Continue to stay connected to your inner circle, the people in your life who know the “real” you.

  3. Remember it is what you were doing when no one was watching that created the life that everyone is attracted to now. Keep adhering to those things that built your influence in the first place.

Based on where you are on the obscurity/influence spectrum, what beliefs do you need to hold onto? What practices do you need to start implementing or return to?

P.S. Shauna and I did an entire podcast episode on this topic, which you can find here: Influence in Obscurity with Shauna Pilgreen 


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